Friday, August 30, 2013

Uterus Categories

Pictures of common types of uterine anomalies/malformations.
My saline-sonogram and hysteroscopy both say I have what's considered a Subseptate Uterus (#3). I had a MRI done, no septum was visualized but it did say I had a slight Arcuate (#2) uterus.
According to the saline-sonogram & hysteroscopy I'm categorized into V Septate (b) Partial.
The MRI categorizes me into VI Arcuate.
From my hysteroscopy pictures, we know that my "septum" is not visualized as a normal septum, so we still aren't entirely sure what we're dealing with (it could be some sort of scar tissue), but we're terming it a septum.

This picture is how I visualize my WTF septum. This is an asymmetrical uterine septum. It's very rare and there isn't a whole lot of information about it on the internet. I'm pretty sure mine isn't exactly like an asymmetrical septum -- if you do google it I don't have any of the symptoms it lists for this. But I obviously have some strange tissue/septum thingy in the way as my right fallopian tube entrance can not be visualized on the hysteroscopy.
Sorry for the bad paintshop, I'm limited on a laptop on my art skillz!

Saline Sonogram Pictures

My Saline-Sonogram Pictures: My uterus is clearly separated into two areas. There should not be two separate black areas.

Normal Saline Sonogram picture. The uterus visualized below is one solid black area, no separation.

Hysteroscopy Pictures

This is what my uterus looks like on a hysteroscopy exam.

The next two pics are what a normal uterus looks like:

My uterus zoomed in on the hysteroscopy:
 Normal septum appearance on a hysteroscopy: