Friday, August 30, 2013

Uterus Categories

Pictures of common types of uterine anomalies/malformations.
My saline-sonogram and hysteroscopy both say I have what's considered a Subseptate Uterus (#3). I had a MRI done, no septum was visualized but it did say I had a slight Arcuate (#2) uterus.
According to the saline-sonogram & hysteroscopy I'm categorized into V Septate (b) Partial.
The MRI categorizes me into VI Arcuate.
From my hysteroscopy pictures, we know that my "septum" is not visualized as a normal septum, so we still aren't entirely sure what we're dealing with (it could be some sort of scar tissue), but we're terming it a septum.

This picture is how I visualize my WTF septum. This is an asymmetrical uterine septum. It's very rare and there isn't a whole lot of information about it on the internet. I'm pretty sure mine isn't exactly like an asymmetrical septum -- if you do google it I don't have any of the symptoms it lists for this. But I obviously have some strange tissue/septum thingy in the way as my right fallopian tube entrance can not be visualized on the hysteroscopy.
Sorry for the bad paintshop, I'm limited on a laptop on my art skillz!

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